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Join FSNA Today!

DUAL SNA/FSNA MEMBERS: If you plan on joining the national School Nutrition Association (SNA), please click here. Your SNA membership dues include your FSNA membership on the state level (FL dues).

Dues are on an annual basis, and the price varies according to your job title. Information and member definitions are below. Membership is based on a 12 month cycle, which begins the day you pay your dues. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at (850) 878-1832 or email

Are you an Industry Partner looking to become a member? You need to fill out a different form! Click here for Sustaining Industry Partner Memberships.

Main Office Contact

124 Salem Court, 
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Contact Info
Phone: (850) 878-1832 
Fax: (850) 656-0149
Email Address
  • Facebook
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Membership Application

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